International Journal of Interdisciplinary Finance Insights (IJIFI)

Overview: The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Finance Insights (IJIFI) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to advancing interdisciplinary research in the fields of finance and related disciplines. Recognizing the interconnected nature of modern financial systems, IJIFI provides a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners to contribute to a holistic understanding of financial phenomena.

Aims and Scope: IJIFI publishes high-quality, original research that explores the intersections between finance and various disciplines such as economics, management, technology, psychology, and more. The journal welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions that shed light on complex financial issues and promote interdisciplinary dialogue.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Financial Economics and Markets
  • Behavioral Finance and Decision Making
  • Financial Technology (FinTech) and Innovation
  • Corporate Finance and Governance
  • Risk Management and Insurance
  • Sustainable Finance and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Intersections with Management, Economics, and other Disciplines

Editorial Process: IJIFI employs a rigorous double-blind peer-review process to ensure the scholarly rigor and impartiality of published articles. With an acceptance rate of 5%, the journal maintains high standards and fosters the publication of innovative and impactful research.

Impact Factor: IJIFI takes pride in its Impact Factor of 7.8 according to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). This metric reflects the journal's influence and significance in the academic community, underscoring the quality and relevance of the research published in IJIFI.

Publication Fee: Authors whose manuscripts successfully navigate the peer-review process and are accepted for publication are required to cover a publication fee of $2100 USD. This fee supports the various costs associated with the publication process, ensuring the continued quality and accessibility of the journal.

Mission: IJIFI is committed to fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the dynamic field of finance. By providing a platform for diverse perspectives, the journal aims to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of financial systems, practices, and innovations on a global scale.