A Comprehensive Analysis of Security and Privacy Concerns in Healthcare Applications of Fog Computing
This study discovers security and privacy challenges that are popular in applying fog computing within healthcare environments. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach comprising case studies with some surveys and simulations in research delves into issues with the complexity of user authentications for data privacy concerns and the dynamic nature of fog networks. Most of the Key solutions identified include the uses of Multifactor Authentication (MFA) and Role-Based Access-Control (RBAC); these keys effectively increase security but require careful implementation due to resource constraints. The role of encryption techniques like AES and RSA in acquiring data on respite and in transit is emphasized with the help of their computational demands. Findings are demonstrated in the critical balance between implementing robust security measures and maintaining system performance, aiming to confirm the protection of sensitive healthcare data and agreement with regulatory standards. Results are underscored by the importance of continuous Monitoring and auditing to detect and mitigate security breaches. Future work should focus on developing lightweight security protocols handmade to meet fog-computing requirements in health care to help enhance both security and efficiency.
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